Internet marketing buzz

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Marketing Quickies vol 2 Review III

In life and Marketing, there is ideas and there is results. Both are important, but results is what really matters. Marketing Quickies Vol 2 videos is definitely a results tools tips. I have implemented 2 of the tips, one yesterday and one today. I have already seen some improvment of my results. Traffic and response has been increased. The videos are short and concise , no fluffs and buffs.

Andrew has kept it so clean, that after watching, you just want to get into the action and put the new techniques into action. That is what I did. I finished one video and added that techniques into my internet marketing arsenal. I keep on thinking why did not I thinking of that before?

Well, I am glad that I have those techniques now, and it is going to make me money.

If you want to improve your internet profits, you can check it out at marketing quickies vol 2

Marketing Quickies Vol 2 Review II

I have just had a conversation with Josephine and find that they have an affiliate program for Marketing Quickies vol 2! The affiliate program pays really well. For each personal sale, it pays $58,and it pays a second level as well. If you introduce some one to be the affiliate, then for each sale that person make, you get paid $10 , you can creat a residual incomes.

I joined the program right away especially after I implemented some of the techniques and see the results! Today I have implemented a technique from the Marketing Quickies vol 2 Coupon Video, I never thought I would use coupon that way.

To get your copy of Marketing Quickies vol 2, just visit the site.

Have a great day!

Marketing Quickies Volume 2 Review

Marketing Quickies Vol 2 is the new profit pulling product released from Expert Interent Marketer Andrew Fox. Marketing Quickies Vol 2 is guaranteed to boost your internet profits in a short few minutes!

If you have subsribed to my newsletter, you would have the chance to see some of the sneak preview of the Marketing Quickies Vol 2 program. This program is a set of Deadly Arsenals of internet marketing techniques that can trick a flood of autopilot profit to fatten your bank account.

All the techniques are quick and easy to implement, specifically, it takes 5 - 60 minutes to get those techniques into your business. You can just grab the marketing quickies vol 2 video, take a few minutes to watch, and another few minutes to implement, then move on... watching your profit to flow in...

The most impressive thing is that all those techniques in marketing quickies vol 2 can be implemented with very little effort. You do not need to be computer know how, as a matter of that, you do not have to know any computer coding at all. Any time if there is computer code involved, Andrew Fox provides that in the video for you. All you have to do is to be able to save, copy and paste.

The techniques are very usefull for any niche... any industry ... and it works if you have your own website or not. One of the example is a very effective and useful technique in regards to Traffic Exchange. I implement it in 2 minutes and I am already seen the result.

If you want to get the free sneak preview, sign up for the newsletter at Marketing Quickies 2, if you want to another review, check Ted's site, if you are ready for making money, grab it at Marketing Quickies Vol 2.

Marketing Quickies Vol 2 has finally been released! I just got my hands on it and within minutes, I was able to get some of the techniques implemented. In two days I was able to see some results. I have find a good review on Marketing Quickies Vol 2 in this site. It looks like Ted is constantly updateing his Marketing Quickies Vol 2 Review site, I made a mark to remember to check back on his site every day.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

I have been looking forward to the year 2007. It seems it is a great year to jump start my internet marketing career!

I have been focusing my effort in developing system for mlm recruitment and have found and learnt a lot in the past few months on how and what and my new system will be out soon!

The second thing that I was focusing on is worthwhile affiliat programs that can produce instant cash! I have found some really good affiliate programs. A better listing can be find at, the site is not complete yet, but a few great affilate program and much information is already available.

The third thing that I was focusing on is low budget traffic generation techniques. Without traffic, the best system would not work! I am happy to report many progress has been made. I will list the best one that I have find here:

How to turn MySpace into a Cash Machine
Can You actually contact 2 billion real leads?
Social Network Marketing membership

A great new year for anybody who see this message.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Give PPC the Finger

I just got an email about Keith Baxter's Free Report called - "Give PPC the Finger"

I will admit, like you may be feeling now, that I thought it was some hyped up offer to get me to join for free and get some offer...

...Turns out I was wrong. Way wrong.

The bottom line is, this report really opened my eyes. The good news is, the report also shows you what you need to know to succeed in the near future.

The times are changing and I it would be a shame for anyone to not read this report and fail like many will.

I read it, and I wanted to share it with you ASAP.

I recommend you take a break from what ever it is you are doing if you can and get access to this report now.

Consider your future success by going here now...



PS - Keith says it will only be available for a few weeks at most so do not delay...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Review: Prowealth Solutions -- What is it?
A Review On Prowealth Solutions Opportunities

Prowealth Solutions caught my eye after I searched and reviewed
a number of internet based network marketing opportunities. It is the only company that has paid during its pre-launch!. It has
only officially launched since late Sept 2006. Prowealth Solutions offers
an incredible opportunities for people from any walk of life to make money.

When I searched for opportunities, I have laid out a few criterion:

* Low start up fee, so any body can start

* digital product, so that no body has to log around a suitcase full of product

* interent based , so that people can work any where and any time

* good payment plan, so that normal people can make money

Prowealth Solutions provides a remarkable payplan, and
great quality product that you can access anytime, from any where, the startup fee is so small, anybody can afford it.

In this part, I like to focus on it payplan, we all want to know the bottom line first, don't we?

Prowealth Solutions pays you in 5 different ways:

* Fasttrack Bonus - you get paid $25 bonus for each member you introduct to the system.

* Forced matrix pay - you have a 3 x 6 forced matrix. At the end of each month, it is calculated to pay you $1 for each person
in your 3 x 6 matrix, regardless if you sponsored them or not. Those people who are positioned in your matrix, could be the
overflow from your upline's sponsoring effort, or your downline's effort. It is therefore, possible to not been able to sponsor a sigle
person and still get paid $1092 per month when your 3 x 6 matrix are full. This is not recommanded, since it is much more lucrative
to sponsor people into your team. You have already see that $25 fasttrack bonus is only paid to member who sponsor.

* Matching Bonurs -- To reward your team building effort, you get paid a 50% matching bonus for people you directly bring into
the business, 30% matching bonus for your second level and 20% bonus on the third level in Prowealth Solutions
This bonus can grow really fast.

* Monthly Pool Bonuses -- To gain this monthly pool bonuses, you need to qualify. There are a few levels of qualification,
Broze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond. Prowealth Solutions
pays back a percentage of the company's profit to the members. To qualify as Broze, all you need is personally sponsor 3 people!

* Powerline bonus -- once you qualify to be gold and above, you get paid $1 for each member who are in your powerline. With a bit
effort and persistence, it is possible to get to this level, there are already diamond and qualification been met only after 2 months of lauche.

* Retail -- Prowealth Solutions has some great proudct that you can
retail to consumers and you can pocket the profit from selling direct

This is the best payplan in mlm history. Very lucrative with quality product and the backing of a 20 year old solid company. In my humble
opinion, there are a few more reasons that one should join Prowealth Solutions.

* Prowealth Solutions is new, it is still in its virgin territory, not many people has
heard about it yet. You are in a ground opportunity

* Prowealth Solutions is not expensive, two lunch money can cover your monthly
membership fee. And you can get it free very quickly, a trick I will tell you once you join and email me your details

* Prowealth Solutions possess some high quality, in strong demand product lines
that you can personally use to produce even more wealth or fill a need in the market place, the products including Real Estate, Credit and lots more

With all of the above in your disposal, you can generate wealth in great magnitude or a comfortable sencod stream income.
To see for yourself, take a FREE tour now at Prowealth Solutions .

Agloco - What is it all about?

The AllAdvantage team has just lauched Agloco beta, the internet community is all excited about it.
The concept behind Agloco and the people behind it is what makes it eye catching.
With Agloco you would get paid for what you are alreadying doing every day! You do not have
to pay to become a member, you are one of the owners of the internet. You get paid to work! Preciously, you get paid for work.

You own the internet and now you also get a piece of the internet pie. Let me explain:

With the internet boom, a lot of people are online. Each year, large sums of money are made throught the internet. Advertisers and search engines
are trying various method to reach the internet population. As a internet user, your activitis contributes to some people's financial well beings. But you
are not getting paid for it, are you?

Agloco is design to just get you paid. Agloco
is an online community where YOU can get a piece of the internet pie! As a member of Agloco you
own shares of the company. If you participate and help build the Agloco community, you directly
affect the value of your shares and how much you can make within the community. It worth a lot of money to have a large online community.

The best thing is that it does not cost a thing from your pocket for you to be part of this community! Agloco also has a great referral system to help
the community building process. What it means is that you can tell your friends and collegues about Agloco, and you can directly
benefit from that effort. If they refer some people to the community, you benefit from that as well. Therefore, you earn more shares by just helping the
growth of the community.

Agloco officially launched on Nov 22, 2006. The sooner you join, the better.

How does Agloco help you in building your referral network?

Agloco has a small Viewbar, a free software package that can enhance yoru surfing experience.
Included with the software are some awesome tools and benefits:

1. Web and desktop search
2.Universal instant messenger and free phone service
3. Privacy, spyware and phishing protection
4. Discret, relevant text ads are displayed in the viewbar
5. The viewbar can be miniized at any time.
6. Rich Media Platform.

Who is behind all of these?

The management team of Agloco was from the same company who founded AllAdvantage a few years back.
What did AllAdvantage do to make it so attractive? Well, AllAdvantage raised nearly $200 million dollars in venture capital in about 2 years. In the first 18 months,
the membership has grown to more than 10 million members. And those members were getting paid! Although AllAdvantage did fall when the tech bubble bursted, it
was still a very impressive success. Agloco has improved upon the AllAdvantage model, Agloco
uses a more sustainable approach and the software provided is indeed very useful for the members.

Just remember, the company is 100% member owned and the management team get paid a 10% fee to make Agloco as best as it can be.

Large online communities worth tons of money! If you want a share of that money, join Agloco and in the process also helping
build this large community. It will become the internet most popular and valuable online communities! The sooner you start and greater benefit you will receive!

It is defintely worth a try. Think about how many times you have a chance of risk nothing to gain much! Get your share of the internet now by join Agloco.

To gain additional information on Agloco, visit this link Agloco, just launched

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The KEY to Generating MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME from Home!

And Learn all the in and outs of a great suits of financial products. I just find this membership site has a great resources of information. And I am very excited about it, here is a list of a sample of features it offeres. And I went through one of their training today, about selling on eBay. I have never had such candiate information about selling on eBay and I have quite a few ebooks about it.

* Learn how to create residual income from home!
* Get instant access to the secrets and strategies of some of the most successful business minds in the world that are EXCLUSIVE only to members.
* See how average people are FINALLY creating multiple streams of income with a simple step-by-step system to success!
* Have full access to some exclusive training calls with some of the best business minds in the world!

At the moment, the training materials that are avaiable are:
Real Estate Training
Fast Credit Repair
Debit Deduction
Making Money on the Internet
Tax Advantages

Visit here to get more information. You won't regret it.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Prospecting Secrets Revealed!
Let me start off by explaining the biggest benefit of providing your downline members with a viral prospecting system.

It boils down to this...

When you have a viral prospecting system in place for your team members, your downline has the potential to take on a life of its own and continue to grow effortlessly while you're focusing on more important things such as family and friends.

A gentleman I recently discovered managed to accomplish the difficult task of duplication while maintaining his full time job and family life.

He mentioned that ever since the beginning of his online ventures he was searching for a system that brought interested prospects in automatically.

He didn't have time to do the traditional recruiting methods because they required a lot of time and commitment.

What he wanted instead, was a huge downline that duplicated on auto-pilot from his part time efforts.

"But did such a solution exist?"

If it did, he said he couldn't find it...

So after many years of struggling to build a solid residual income through network marketing he decided it was time to take the bull by the horns (so to speak) and he created a 3 step marketing system that literally exploded his downline within a few months.

The part that amazed me the most was the fact that he didn't spend a dime on advertising. And his downline is now over 11,460 strong and growing monthly on auto-pilot.

Ultimately I learned that being a successful sponsor involves providing some type of system that helps people build their business, not sitting around wondering why your downline isn't doing anything.

I guess the quote from Zig Ziglar holds true:

"You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want."

If you'd like to learn about James Grandstaff's brand new prospecting system that builds YOUR primary business and generates multiple income streams, go here:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Using Word Links to Advertise Your site

One of the most effective way to get your website noticed is using keywords. A variety of ways one can use to get that done. One of the less known but also very effective and very cost effective way is to use keywords links. I have find this site, that you can chose your own word to link to your site, and once you chose that word, that word belongs to you and no one else can have it.

In addition to that, if your words does not exist on the site, you can suggest a word and make it your very own. Vist this site to see for yourself.

See you at the top.