Internet marketing buzz

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Agloco - What is it all about?

The AllAdvantage team has just lauched Agloco beta, the internet community is all excited about it.
The concept behind Agloco and the people behind it is what makes it eye catching.
With Agloco you would get paid for what you are alreadying doing every day! You do not have
to pay to become a member, you are one of the owners of the internet. You get paid to work! Preciously, you get paid for work.

You own the internet and now you also get a piece of the internet pie. Let me explain:

With the internet boom, a lot of people are online. Each year, large sums of money are made throught the internet. Advertisers and search engines
are trying various method to reach the internet population. As a internet user, your activitis contributes to some people's financial well beings. But you
are not getting paid for it, are you?

Agloco is design to just get you paid. Agloco
is an online community where YOU can get a piece of the internet pie! As a member of Agloco you
own shares of the company. If you participate and help build the Agloco community, you directly
affect the value of your shares and how much you can make within the community. It worth a lot of money to have a large online community.

The best thing is that it does not cost a thing from your pocket for you to be part of this community! Agloco also has a great referral system to help
the community building process. What it means is that you can tell your friends and collegues about Agloco, and you can directly
benefit from that effort. If they refer some people to the community, you benefit from that as well. Therefore, you earn more shares by just helping the
growth of the community.

Agloco officially launched on Nov 22, 2006. The sooner you join, the better.

How does Agloco help you in building your referral network?

Agloco has a small Viewbar, a free software package that can enhance yoru surfing experience.
Included with the software are some awesome tools and benefits:

1. Web and desktop search
2.Universal instant messenger and free phone service
3. Privacy, spyware and phishing protection
4. Discret, relevant text ads are displayed in the viewbar
5. The viewbar can be miniized at any time.
6. Rich Media Platform.

Who is behind all of these?

The management team of Agloco was from the same company who founded AllAdvantage a few years back.
What did AllAdvantage do to make it so attractive? Well, AllAdvantage raised nearly $200 million dollars in venture capital in about 2 years. In the first 18 months,
the membership has grown to more than 10 million members. And those members were getting paid! Although AllAdvantage did fall when the tech bubble bursted, it
was still a very impressive success. Agloco has improved upon the AllAdvantage model, Agloco
uses a more sustainable approach and the software provided is indeed very useful for the members.

Just remember, the company is 100% member owned and the management team get paid a 10% fee to make Agloco as best as it can be.

Large online communities worth tons of money! If you want a share of that money, join Agloco and in the process also helping
build this large community. It will become the internet most popular and valuable online communities! The sooner you start and greater benefit you will receive!

It is defintely worth a try. Think about how many times you have a chance of risk nothing to gain much! Get your share of the internet now by join Agloco.

To gain additional information on Agloco, visit this link Agloco, just launched


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