Internet marketing buzz

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Image that you can sent your message right up to people's desktop all over the world! It actually is happening. An extremely High
Powered viral marketing software has just been released that allow you to do just that. This software is not only allows you to broadcast
directly to people's desktops with the click of a button but also capable of causing immediate explosive growth of your downline and best of all, it is FREE. Sometimes, best thing in life are free.

Click Here to Broadcast Your Message to People’s Desktops For Free

There are many benefits of using this software. If you are a platinum member which cost $19.95 a month at the time of writing, you can get the above and more:

In addition to boardcast your message to your downlines to get them updated , you can also broadcast to random set of people who are interested in business ideas and opportunities.
You can track your message to see if it has been read or not
Use HTML in the messages
Use HTML in the subject lines
Personalize the messages
get downline for free
more frequent broadcast previleges
Actual Customer Email: “I invited just a handful of
people only a few days ago and I already have 48
members on 5 levels below me. I am going to keep
promoting this, but I see it has a life of it’s own
now. I couldn’t stop my network from expanding if I
wanted to!”

~ David Parton

Click Here For More Information On This Remarkable Internet Phenomenon


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